Fierce Humility: Leading in the way of Jesus
Do you desire more humility in your life and leadership?
In Fierce Humility, Paul Friend (South West Youth Ministries) explores the humble yet fierce leadership of Jesus in the Gospels. Discover practical ways to be strong but humble before God and others so that you can be equipped to lead counter-culturally.
“This would be a vital message at any time, but particularly in this current moment.”
Pete Greig, 24-7 Prayer International
“The church and society today need leaders who read this book and put it into practice. Thank you Paul for writing it and demonstrating it.”
The Rt. Revd. James Grier, Bishop of Plymouth
Fierce Humility – Bundle Offer
Fierce Humility is ideal for homegroups or church leadership teams wanting to grow in humility together. Each chapter has a set of questions for reflection and discussion.
Purchase a bundle of 5 copies of Fierce Humility for the price for 4. (+ £4 delivery)
“Recovering the protective power of humility in our leadership feels like the most pressing call for the church in the west right now.”
Rachel Gardner, Youth Innovation Lead at St Lukes Blackburn and Director of National Partnerships at Youthscape