Our Values
We hold to the following set of values, which guide and influence everything we do from our training courses to our resources:

Christ Centred Living
Our relationship with Christ comes first and our work flows out of worship, prayer and scripture. We seek to live lives of obedience, dying to ourselves and walking in confession, forgiveness and wholeness together.

Kingdom Focused Movement
As kingdom focused missionaries we believe in God’s plan of the local church and aim to model generosity through building partnership and celebrating others.

Servant Hearted Community
We choose to prefer one another in love, being available and ready to listen and serve others. We focus on intentionally building relationships, and exist to resource and benefit others.

Pursuing Excellence Together
We are committed to being lifelong learners, being and doing the best we can in God’s power. We aim to create a safe environment to make mistakes and grow; and whatever we do, working at it with all our heart, “as working for the Lord” (Colossians 3:23).