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Mr/Miss/Mrs/Doc etc.
If you preferred to be known as a different name, please add it here.
e.g. 01/02/1998
Please let us know which course you are applying for.
Courses begin in September each year. Please enter the year you want to start.
If you have any children, please tell us how many.
Please tick the box if you require a visa to work in the UK.
Emergency Contact
e.g. Father, Mother, Sister.
Please enter the full address for your emergency contact.
Health and Ability
  1. Your Church Leader
  2. A Friend
  3. An Employer or Youth Leader
Reference 1: Church Leader
Reference 2: Friend
Please give details of someone who can provide a character reference. They must not be related to you or an employer.
Reference 3: Employer or Youth Worker
Your main/current church
Please give details of any other churches you attend.
Education   (Add Education)
Experience   (Add Work/Experience)
Ministry Experience
Please give details of any relevant Christian work you have undertaken.
Please give details of any relevant secular work you have undertaken. (e.g. volunteering with a secular organisation).
Application Questions
Self Evaluation
1 = Very Weak 5 = Very Strong
Reasons & Expectations
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