- 1 active job description (view)
- www.combetocombechurches.co.uk
- With the youth leadership team, help develop and implement a vision for youth ministry. Our mission is to release the young people into their God-given callings and gifting as disciples of Jesus who extend his Kingdom wherever they go.
- Inspire, encourage, equip and enthuse young people and children to live and share their faith.
- Commit to pray personally and promote prayer for the children, youth and families ministries.
- With the youth ministry team, facilitate, resource, and deliver programmes for Pip and Jim’s youth gatherings during the week and weekends and at other events, including youth socials, residentials, church weekends away and youth festivals, as they arise.
- With the members of the youth and children’s team disciple, encourage, support and mentor as required. Support communication with young people and their parents.
- Integrate, encourage and release youth and children into their gifting, both in and outside the church context.
- Support the safeguarding, safety and wellbeing of young people and children.
- Support the schools’ work at Ilfracombe Academy – including the Christian Union and Prayer Spaces led out by our Vicar, and also at Ilfracombe Junior School.
- Volunteer each week with the Delta youth drop in.
- Connect and liaise with other youth workers around Ilfracombe and beyond with SWYM.
- Carry out administrative duties relating to this role including digital technology and practical tasks to clean and tidy the youth space in the Pip and Jim’s Community Centre.
- Attend and positively contribute towards church prayer and worship times, central church gatherings and meetings, and any team meetings.
- A verbal or written report to the PCC (church council) may at times been required.
Essential Criteria
- Some experience with working alongside youth or older children.
- A committed Christian who is always working on building their personal relationship with God.
- Someone who will set an example for youth and children in their worship of God
- Willing to acquire good bible knowledge to help mentor and disciple young people. Creatively communicate biblical truths, especially to the youth.
- Willingness to learn and recognition of the power the Holy Spirit has in the lives of young people.
- Ignite enthusiasm for faith and God adventures in the young people.
- A passion for the gospel and for youth and children to have their own personal faith encounter and journey of faith.
- Desire to release and develop the young peoples’ God-given potential and gifting.
- Willing to learn to be a team player, yet able to work on their own.
- Willingness to grow in use of social media and digital platforms to communicate and promote the youth ministry as well as ability to communicate verbally and in writing with a wider group of the church congregation about what is happening in our kids and youth work.
- Willingness to learn the organisational skills to plan, prioritise and administer using email, Word and Excel if necessary.
- Flexible working approach and adaptable to changing situations.
- Willingness to learn self-awareness, and how to identify the skills they bring to the team and the weaknesses that need supporting.
- Humble and servant- hearted.
- References will be taken up by SWYM and DBS checks will be carried out through SWYM. Appropriate Safeguarding training will be required to be provided by SWYM or delivered by Pip and Jim’s.
Preferred Criteria
- Beginning studies in youth ministry.
- Understanding youth and child developmental stages.
- Willingness to be trained in first aid, food hygiene and similar courses that relate to the role.
Accommodation Details
There are options for hosting locally depending on gender with members of our Pip & Jim’s Church family.
Week Overview
Possible weekly programme:
MONDAY Cluster day
TUESDAY Academy CU, Delta
THURSDAY Toddler Group, Delta
FRIDAY Morning off, Preparation time, Youth Club
SUNDAY Kids/Youth, Youth hangout/socials
Ad hoc activities include: summer camps, residentials, special events, schools work.
Preparation time: meetings, prep for sessions, school visits, meeting youth for mentoring, youth socials etc.
For any use of public transport to get to and from the cluster days at Barnstaple or to Lee Abbey for training, it is expected that the church will reimburse travel expenses. Mileage for agreed use of a trainee’s own car (if they have one) on Pip and Jim’s business will be reimbursed at 45p/mile.