- 1 active job description (view)
- www.stpetersnorthtawton.org.uk
Job Desciption
To develop and co-ordinate the youth work within the church & community alongside the Parish Worker and volunteer team.
To support local schools and students through clubs and lesson support.
To plan and oversee the delivery of Sunday Groups alongside the Parish Worker and volunteer team.
To assist the ministry team in appropriate pastoral support for young people
Main Duties (Youth & Children’s)
- To co-ordinate and develop the work with the young people within church
- To help provide a termly programme of weekly youth work including regular youth groups and activities.
- To assist in the running on children’s groups such as Toddlers.
- To provide lesson support for year 6 pupils at the local primary school in addition to occasionally leading assemblies (North Tawton Community Primary School)
- To collaborate with a youth project in the local secondary school running a lunch club, CU and potentially BV lesson support
- To make regular reports to the PCC as required
Main Duties (Services)
- To be involved in the planning and delivery of all-age worship services
- To assist in engaging young people, children and families in Sunday worship
- To help lead our monthly children’s service
- To develop ways of helping young people engage more with church on Sundays
Main Duties (Pastoral) (includes regular staff meetings)
- To provide pastoral contact and care to young people and families within or associated with St Peter’s
Support and Training
The Trainee will meet weekly with the Parish Worker for prayer, support and training. In addition to these meetings, the Trainee will be expected to join the wider Ministry Team for one meeting a month. These meetings will include the opportunity for the Trainee to report back and look forward.
With the support of the Ministry Team and PCC, the Trainee will be responsible for accessing further training outside the parish where necessary (conferences, retreats etc). The PCC will fund the cost of one conference or retreat per year.
The Trainee is encouraged to be a member of a home group.
Essential Criteria
The applicant must be:
- A committed Christian
- Passionate about seeing people of all ages have their lives changed by Jesus
- Enthusiastic, driven and willing to help grow our ministry
- Willing to work alongside the ministry team (employed and volunteers) in delivering the best quality work we can
- Good at time keeping and planning
- Realistic with what they can take on and not be afraid to say ‘no’
- Aware of the differences and challenges of living and working in a rural setting
- Able to drive (or willing to learn whilst on placement)
Preferred Criteria
- Has experience of living in a rural community (definitely not essential)
- Has basic skills in word processing / creating adverts, posters etc…
- Has some experience in leading/co-leading groups (eg, Sunday Groups, Youth Clubs etc…)
Accommodation Details
The trainee will be living with a host family from our church who live in the town, making it straightforward for getting to church and the local school etc...
We cannot confirm the host family at this time, but multiple families are currently taking time to think and pray it through.
Week Overview
A typical week may look something like this, but we are keen to allow flexibility for the trainee to develop their own ideas and projects too.
Morning Afternoon Evening
Monday Cluster Study Free
Tuesday Team Meeting Prep Free
Wednes. Primary School Primary School Free
Thursday Free School Assembly Youth Club
Friday Secondary School Lunch Club/CU Free
Saturday DAY OFF
Sunday Church Free Church Youth Club